Apraxia is a Common Occurrence in Autism
Autism and apraxia frequently coincide, according to findings from the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center.
What is Apraxia/Dyspraxia/DCD
Dyspraxia is a common motor-planning disorder. It affects movement and fine and gross motor coordination. It is sometimes referred to as apraxia or Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD).
Autism: The Movement Perspective
Frontiers in Intergrative Neuroscience: editors Dr. Elizabeth Torres and Dr. Anne Donnellan compile 38 peer-reviewed articles published by 91 authors between 2013 and 2015 that support the idea that movement and sensory differences are core features of autism.
S2C Eye-Tracking Study
An Eye-Tracking study from the University of Virginia reveals agency in assisted autistic communication.
Motor Coordination in ASD
A Synthesis and Meta-Analysis, published in PubMed. " The current overall findings portray motor coordination deficits as pervasive across diagnoses, thus, a cardinal feature of ASD. "
United For Communication Choice
A website dedicated to supporting the human, civil, and legal rights of people with disabilities to choose their most effective methods of communication.
Communication 4 ALL
C4A is working to ensure communication is available to all non-speakers with autism.

Lessons, Supplies & Resources
Links to download, and buy lessons and letterboards.